This week I wanted to offer you 5 self-care tips for people who have or work with babies. So this is for all of you fearless parents. It’s for all of you hard working nannies. And it is for those of you in early childhood education and have a class full of 8 babies a day! It’s for everyone who plays a special role with our sweet babies!
Being present and working with babies is so joyous and rewarding, but it is also exhausting and can be tough. So this week I want to offer you some tools that have really helped me stay peaceful and present over the years with my babies.
So tadaaaa! Below are my 5 self- care tips for people who have babies.

Tip #1 Journal
When you’re interacting and working with babies, it can be hard to recognize how you are feeling because you are so focused on caring and reading your baby to see what they need!
So one thing that has helped me stay present with myself is to keep a journal. The beauty of journaling is that you can let out anything! It’s a safe space to release.
Tip #2: Yoga
Yoga is an amazing tool to help center and reconnect with yourself. It’s a unique tool to help balance your mind, body and spirit. This balance and reconnection is so helpful in starting each day with a fresh perspective.
Since babies change so much so quickly, it is important to honor that and approach each day with a fresh perspective when we can.
Pro tip: Yoga is also a great thing to do WITH your baby for music and movement!
I really enjoy finding different Yoga videos on youtube and have really been enjoying Yoga with Adriene.

Tip #3: Reflective Meditation
I love a good guided meditation followed by reflection of my day. Each interaction with our sweet babes is so special and can mean something different. So having a clear and settled mind is so important!
I have added one of my favorite guided meditations here.
Tip #4 Offer Yourself a Joyful Something
We willingly offer so much of ourselves to care for this tiny human. And we are glad to do it! That said, it is important to also feed your happy spirit. So remember to offer yourself a joyful something!
What do I mean by a joyful something, you ask?! Well I mean give yourself a moment to enjoy something you like. And it’s different for each person.
For me… I love cooking. And I love scrapbooking. And I love playing my ukulele. I feel like doing those things help to fulfill a creative side of me that longs for attention.
Whatever makes you happy… do that!

Tip #5 Read
Reading is a way to escape and connect with yourself. You offer your mind some exercise, while enjoying a good story and exercising your brain!
I recently finished a book for the first time in so long boy did it feel good!
Reading is also an amazing thing to do before bed! It’s a great way to offer your brain some mild exercise before drifting off into sleep.
So friend, I hope that you are able to use some of these tips and apply them to your routines. After all, we need to take care of ourselves to be our best for our babies.
Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide