What better way to jump into why I love being an advocate for the infancy phase of development than by describing why I love what I do.
Everyday, I have the honor of working with and communicating with people like you. Amazing parents, rockstar educators and incredible caregivers. And everyone has the same goal of optimizing infant development through this Montessori lens and lifestyle. And most of you are here because you recognize the importance of infancy.
Amazing Facts of Infancy
We have heard amazing things like:
- The Baby brain is making millions of mental connections per second.
- The first few years of life lay the foundation for the rest.
- Within the first year, their brain is doubling in size.
- Recent studies are showing that that first year will affect the development of things like coordination, concentration, memory, behavior, and more.
These facts are just some of the reasons why I’m so passionate about what I do.

How We Used To View Infancy
Back in the day, there was this idea floating around that we had to “get through infancy”, to then work with them when they’re more aware. The idea was to change their diapers, give their bottles, and figure out what they need. And then once they’re able to communicate more, then we start the learning process.
And now we know the importance of these first couple years of life…especially these earliest moments in infancy. And I have loved every second of my journey (yes even the harder ones) and continue to fall in fascination with the infant mind.
My Work and Understanding of Infancy
I have not only studied and observed the endless potentialities of the infant mind within my years in the field, but I have been working with hundreds of beautiful babies from all types of families and backgrounds.
And I have had the honor of working with amazing parents and amazing educators who bring the same enthusiasm to learn about Montessori and child development as their babies do to learn about their new. amazing world.
And there are so many things that we all have in common. We love our babies. We love seeing their joys. We want to keep them safe. And overall, we just want what’s best for them.
This miracle of life is so special. And each person’s journey is so unique to them. So much so that it creates this colorful road full of everything we bring to the table and everything we learn along the way.
Every Baby is Unique
And that leads me to my next point, which is the emphasis that every baby’s journey is uniquely their own as well. Every child is so different, and every parent, every teacher, and every caregiver comes with their own journey and experience as well.
I’ve made it my mission to promote informed decision making, and support the uniqueness of every child, parent and educator. I share the info that I know about Montessori and Child development, and you make the best decisions for your journey with your child or children. And I hope you know and carry that with you as you journey with me within our Montessori Babies Podcast.
And so again, thank you for being here. Being you, and doing what you do. You’re a rockstar and I will be here for you in whatever way I can to support your journey with your sweet baby.
Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide