There are certain Montessori Toys that are highly beneficial to keep out at all times throughout Infancy and Toddlerhood.
That said, in Montessori we encourage Montessori Material (toy) rotation to help our babies and toddlers maintain interest in their materials and support their evolution through the Montessori Curriculum. (And the hope is to continue to foster that inner will to learn.)
But these items (listed below) are incredibly beneficial to have out at all times throughout the baby and toddler stages! They also happen to be items that have been tried and tested over my decade of experience working with Babies and Toddlers in a Montessori Setting.

4 Montessori Toys To Have Accessible To Your Baby and Toddlers at all times are…
1. Ball Basket/Bin
I always have a ball basket out with my babies and toddlers. And this is because it is so helpful for redirecting when our babies + toddlers try to throw materials.
Also, there are definitely moments when gross motor experiences are fun, needed, and helpful.
Just like us, our babies have an inner need to move. So having a ball basket out to offer dribbling, throwing, rolling, and catching experiences are amazing for those moments when they need to get out their wiggles.

2. Book Shelf/Book Basket
Kind of like our babies and toddlers have moments where they need to get out their wiggles, they also have moments throughout the day where they like to be mellow and relax.
And this is the PERFECT time for reading.
So my advice is to create a low, comfy area with accessible books in a basket or book shelf. I used to love seeing my babies crawl or walk to the book area and pull out some books.

3. Musical Instruments
I definitely recommend having instruments out at all times! Having musical instruments accessible to your child is amazing for hosting your own Montessori Circle Time as needed throughout the day.
Also, there are definitely times when our sweet babies like to make big noise. And instruments are a great way to offer a way to fill that inner need!
Using instruments and singing together is also amazing for language development!
Also, if you like to travel, there are unique and beautiful cultural instruments to find on your adventures that would be amazing to rotate into your child’s instrument area! In my travels, I have found amazing drums in Mexico, castanets in Spain, music boxes in Poland and more!
4. Teething Option
Since babies and young toddlers are oral explorers (they explore things through all senses but primarily their mouth initially), it is great to have an option in your environment that you can offer to your Baby or Toddler when they are driven to put things in their mouth. This shows them what they CAN put in their mouth… even into Toddlerhood.
Also, teething babies definitely need teething items to help soothe their gums throughout the day!
This teething ball (linked below) is my absolute favorite item to keep out! It is the perfect shape and size for our babies and toddlers.
Also, if you’re looking for a teether to keep in the freezer, I always recommend the Nuby Teethe-eez Teether!
This teether is perfect to use for both the newly teething 6 month old and also for the young toddler whose molars are pushing through! Our babies can push the top of the teether (the part with the bristles) to their back gums and munch! I’ve observed many babies find teething relief with this teether. (Plus it comes with its own carrying case to keep it clean! )
Anyway, let me know if there are any Montessori toys or materials that you love to consistently keep out for your Babies and Toddlers in the comments below!
Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide