So you’ve heard that language development in babies and toddlers is important. And maybe you’ve heard things like “read to your baby everyday”.
But why? Let’s dive into the what, why, when, and how behind language development in babies and toddlers.
Let’s start here….

What is language development? And when do babies begin to acquire language?
Language is the human ability to communicate. And within language development, we are learning everything that is necessary to communicate as active members of our society.
There are 4 main components to language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
And babies begin acquiring their language from day one. In infancy and toddlerhood, they are learning the necessary skills to achieve all 4 of those components as they grow.
Here are some cool facts about language development in Babies and Toddlers!
- Babies are learning to communicate from day one.
- They cry as a form of communication. And the responses we provide help them realize their part in the communication experience.
- The muscles in their face that are necessary for speaking strengthen as they breastfeed or bottle-feed.
- The toys and materials we provide help strengthen muscles in their hands that they will one day use for writing.
- The visual materials we provide like grasping and mobiles, help develop the eye muscles needed for reading.
- And there is also ASL, or American Sign Language, for children whose auditory or oral functions need extra support.
Why is language development important?
Language is the foundation for all learning!
In the first few years of life, children are acquiring their language, or languages. They listen to their primary caregivers, and learn language through their daily to day experiences, specifically through serve and return experiences.
When I was studying in child development, I watched a TED talk by Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald that was really impactful on my practice.
In this talk she described language nutrition as the key foundation for all learning. And she said something that really stuck with me.
“Before 3rd grade you learn to read. After third grade you read to learn.”
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald
In her talk, Dr. Fitzgerald mentions that #1 predictor of grade school reading level as the amount of works spoken to the child from birth – 3.
This in itself is why language development is so important in those first few years of life.
Click here to watch Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald’s TED Talk on Improving Child Development with Words
So how can we optimize language development in infancy and toddlerhood?
Well the main way that we can optimize language development in infancy and toddlerhood is by talking to our sweet babies and toddlers!
I recommend talking to babies through:
- Sportscasting, or stating everything you do as you’re doing it.
- Serve and Return experiences
- Reading Daily
Also, daily music and movement is amazing for language development! Perhaps host your very own Montessori Circle Time with your baby! Sing, dance, play instruments, and have fun!
Now Let’s talk Bilingualism or Multilingualism
One idea that I hear a lot in my work is that there is a real fear of babies having language delays with multilingualism. And this is actually a myth.
Recent research has shown that multilingual exposure from day one actually increases and strengthens the synapses in their brain connections. We are born with such amazing capabilities to learn the languages around us!
Tips on language development or bilingualism from Professor Carlos Solorzano:
- When speaking in multiple languages, talk to the end of the sentence. For example, “I am going to the store” versus “I am going to la tienda.” Mixing up languages within sentences can confuse the child.
- Talk in your native tongue as much as possible so they can learn the proper accent.
- Sing, read, and listen to music in multiple languages too!
And finally, just know that babies are born to acquire their language to become an active communicator of their time. Their language development can be enhanced by doing these simple things as mentioned in this post.
So talk, read, sing, and enjoy every interaction with your sweet child!
Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide
Daily Materials to Optimize Language Development:
Kindle Books:
Montessori Language Materials
I actually prefer to collect and create these on my own. It’s easiest to get your own laminator, and create language card lessons as you get inspo!
Here is the laminator I use and recommend: