Let’s Connect!
I’ve been so excited to write this blog post on my observations of what goes on in the mind of a baby for so long! But it’s such an important topic so let’s jump into it.
Basically, I want to take you on a tour into the world of babies and give you a glimpse of one of the perspectives I take daily in my work with infants and their loving families…
Picture this:
You’re an infant, let’s say 3 months old. So you have been in this new world for 3 months, constantly learning and growing, trying your best to adapt to this new world of yours. Well, your mother has just placed you on a mat on the floor to do some floor time.

Today, you will get to practice using the kicking bell! (This is a Montessori bell that hangs from the ceiling perfectly within the child’s reach or kick.) She gently places you on your back facing up on the mat directly under the kicking bell, positioned for success. And that’s when you spot it. This big shiny, silver circle is directly in front of you. And you must see what it is.
So you start to move your arms, flailing them if you will… your arms move in all sorts of directions as you try and gain as much control as possible to reach that big shiny silver bell.

You are working so hard to use muscles that you had no idea you even needed to use to be able to grab that bell. But you’re determined. You want to know about your world, and apparently this big shiny silver ball is a part of it. And so you keep on trying. You start to fuss a little bit, letting your mom know that you are getting a bit tired, but are still trying and working hard.
So you continue on, reaching more each time you try, when finally you touch it and it makes a noise! In that very moment, your eyes widen, your limbs move, you’re shocked! It made a noise! And now you must see if it will make another noise. You reach it again and it rings! Another noise! And so you keep reaching.
In that moment when you realized that the bell made a noise, a mental connection was made. You as the baby made a mental connection, or synapse, that if you touch the bell, a noise will sound. It will ring!
Well, babies are making these connections ALL DAY LONG. In everything that they do, in every interaction with their caregivers and parents, they are making connections about their new world. And these connections are what help them develop trust in their world, in you, and in themselves.
So, the perspective that I take on the daily is just that.

If I am making mental connections about this situation or experience, what would that be? If I did not know anything about this, what would I make of it?
And I apply that concept to everything… From the materials I use when working with infants, to how I compose myself as their trusted adult.
Just a little something to consider in your work with your infants!! 🙂
Much love to you always!
Bianca, Your Baby Tour Guide