Freedom of Movement in Infancy
Today we are discussing a topic that is so important to the life of a baby, and that is about freedom of movement in Montessori, specifically infancy.
Dr. Maria Montessori
Today we are discussing a topic that is so important to the life of a baby, and that is about freedom of movement in Montessori, specifically infancy.
In Episode 26 of our Montessori Babies Podcast, I had the honor of interviewing EZPZ’s amazing Pediatric Feeding Specialist and Speech and Language Pathologist, Dawn Winkelmann and she spoke all about the benefits of using a bowl with solid feedings!
To understand the link between object permanence and separation anxiety, we must first understand the two developmental concepts independently. This topic is one that is so crucial to understanding infant development. It’s also one that dr. Montessori focused on within her works and the types of materials we offer our babies! But we’ll get to that later.
In Episode 24 of our Montessori Babies Podcast, I had the most amazing conversation with Amber Vick, co-owner of the Montessori Topponcino Company all about the benefits of using the Montessori Topponcino with newborns.
I wanted to have a conversation about being present because, in my experience, I have found this concept to be essential for our babies and for our understanding of what is going on in their beautiful minds. And there are just so many benefits to learning how and why to be present in the moment.
This week I had the most amazing conversation about teaching babies to drink from an open cup with EZPZ’s Pediatric Feeding Specialist
Dr. Maria Montessori
Erik Erikson